How to use Hairfor2

Wash your hair as usually with Hairfor2 shampoo, rinse your hair and dry it as good as possible! Comb your hair with a comb or brush upright on the light spots of your hair.

Product use:
Please shake the Hairfor2 spray can for at least 30 seconds and spray in 2-3 seconds interfall at a distance of about 20 cm (5 inches) of the ligth spots. Please avoid to intense, too long and to close on the light spots as it you will create a humid and greasy spot on you hair. If you suffer from light spots on the front of your head, please start to use Hairfor2 about 2-3 cm (1 inch) from where your hair grows to create a natural look and work your way forward. After the first sprayinterfalls comb your hair to comb it into shape.

If you have sprayed a little bit of Hairfor2 on your forehead, so don't worry. With a little towel drenched in soapwater or alcohol , you remove these little spots in no time. If you have used a little bit too much Hairfor2 on one spot you can use also a papertowel and rub the intensive spots lightly and comb your hair after this. You will see that Hairfor2 is very easy to use!

Next use:
For your next use of Hairfor2 we recommend to use our Hairfor2 shampoo to be sure that all residues are washed out. To use Hairfor2 again, please proceed as described above.

Important imformation:
Hairfor2 can create allergic reactions. Do not use if you are allergic for hairsprays in general or if you have a very sensible skin. Furthermore : you should not use Hairfor2 if you have wounds on your skin ( for example, wounds which are not healed after a hairtransplantation). And as with any other spray, do NOT spray in the eyes!

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